Name of organisation
The name of the club shall be “THE HARROGATE AND NIDDERDALE ART CLUB” (“the club”)
The club may also be referred to as “Harrogate and Nidderdale Art Club” and “HANAC”.
The aims of the club are:
• To further the advancement of art
• To assist all members in the pursuit of artistic endeavour
• To increase the artistic knowledge and ability of all members
• To foster a sense of community and shared experience among the members
Any person aged 18 or over is eligible to join the club regardless of gender, race, creed, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation.
Applying to be a member
To become a member an application form for membership must be completed and the application be approved by the Committee. Once the application for membership is accepted the membership fee in operation at that time is immediately payable.
Conditions of membership
Members shall pay an annual subscription which is reviewed each year and any changes put before members at the AGM. Any member failing to pay their subscription on or before 31st October shall be deemed to have resigned their membership. New members joining the club halfway or later through the club year will pay half the annual subscription.
Membership is not transferable.
Only paid up members will be eligible to exhibit at any club exhibition.
Termination of membership
A member shall cease to be a member in the following eventualities:
• A member may voluntarily resign from the Club
• Membership terminates on the death of the member
• Any member who has not paid their membership fee on or before 31st October will be
considered as having resigned and will need to reapply to become a member
• The expulsion of a member for failing to comply with the rules of the club
• Any offensive behaviour including but not limited to; racism, sexism, bullying or inflammatory remarks will not be tolerated.
The Committee may by a two thirds majority vote to expel a member for conduct detrimental to the club, provided that in this case, a notice specifying the conduct for which it is intended to expel is sent to the member at the address entered in the register of members at least one calendar month prior to the date of the meeting at which the matter will be decided. Members removed in this manner can write to the secretary to ask for the decision to be reconsidered, which would be discussed at the following committee meeting.
List of members
A list of current members will be kept by the Membership Secretary in which shall be entered at least the following: Name, address, telephone number and email address and the data held in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Any member may see the entry in respect of themselves, and must notify any change of residential address, email address or telephone number to the Membership Secretary.
Governance and Day-to-Day Management
Governance of the club shall be vested in the General Meetings. Day-to-day management of the club shall be delegated to the Management Committee.
Management Committee (the Committee)
The Committee shall have the full power to manage the day-to-day affairs of the club according to the rules for the purpose of accomplishing its Aims. The Committee shall be elected from members of the club at the Annual General Meeting and will serve for one year.
The core Committee shall consist of:
• Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer
Other named Committee posts shall be:
• Membership secretary
• Publicity officer
• Technology officer
• Programme organiser
• Exhibitions organiser
• Social secretary
Other Committee members may be elected as required.
If a vacancy arises during the year, the Committee will fill it and the member will then be a full voting member. Five members shall form a quorum.
The Committee shall have the authority to co-opt further members if it deems this necessary.
Such co-opted members will be non-voting and will not count towards a quorum.
Committee members may resign at any time in writing to the Chairperson.
The Committee may remove any Officer or Committee Member from the Committee by a simple majority if the Committee member has broken the Rules of the club or acted in a manner
detrimental to the club as stated in the Termination of Membership above.
Committee Meetings
Committee meetings are to be held regularly and not less than four times a year. These meetings can be held online, in person or a combination of both depending on the availability of committee members. Committee meetings are to discuss the day to day business of the club and make decisions for the club. These meetings are not open to members of the club who are not members of the committee.
At all Committee meetings every question shall be decided by a majority of votes, and if the votes are equal the Chair shall have a casting vote in addition to his/her vote as a member. In the absence of the Chair, an acting Chair elected at the committee meeting shall preside for that meeting.
Committee members are asked to send apologies if they are not able to attend a meeting.
Meetings must be attended by a minimum of five Committee members of whom two must be core members. All Committee meetings will be minuted. Members will be informed of any necessary decisions and information by email and/or at a club night.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
An Annual General Meeting will be held yearly and within 15 months of the previous AGM normally during the period 1st September to 31st October.
At least 14 days notice in writing of the AGM will be provided to all members on the membership list giving the date, time and location of the AGM via email and the same information provided at a club night if possible. An agenda listing the topics for discussion will be included with the notice.
Members can nominate themselves for the Committee and submit items for discussion at the AGM up to 7 days before the time and date of the AGM.
The Chair of the Committee shall preside at the AGM. In the case of his/her absence, a Chair shall be elected at the meeting to preside. Every member present at the AGM shall have one vote.
The AGM will include the following;
• Report from the Chair
• Report from the Treasurer
• Approval of the annual accounts
• Voting of committee members
• Voting of annual subscription proposed by the Committee
• Notification of changes to the constitution will be presented by the Chair if applicable
• Items for discussion from members will be presented by the Secretary if applicable
• Any other items for discussion as outlined in the agenda
A quorum of 20% of members (of which two must be currently serving core Committee members) is required to pass and agree items for discussion. These members may also be Committee members. Decisions will be passed or rejected by a simple majority of the members present.
Minutes from the AGM along with reports will be circulated to all members after the AGM.
Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)
An EGM can be called to discuss important matters that need to be put before the whole membership, such as an amendment to the constitution. Members will be notified of the EGM in the same way as for the AGM and provided with information about the topic to be discussed and any decision that will be required.
A quorum at the EGM shall be 30% of the current membership. Decisions will be passed or rejected by a simple majority of the members present except for changes to the constitution.
The Harrogate and Nidderdale Art Club is classified as an unincorporated association.
The club will retain a bank account in it’s own name at a bank agreed by the committee.
Additional accounts may be opened as deemed necessary.
Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement will be provided at each AGM after the accounts have been reviewed by an independent person.
Payments or withdrawals of funds made by cheque shall require the signature of 2 authorised signatures who shall be the Treasurer and Chair. Online payments made by the Treasurer shall be notified to the Committee at the following Committee meeting and ratified by the Committee.
The financial year will run from 1st July to 30th June of the year following.
The Treasurer role is a core role and must be filled at all times for the club to continue.
All money raised by or on behalf of the club will be used to further it’s aims.
The club will obtain and keep in force appropriate insurance with a reputable insurance company to include public liability insurance for at least £5,000,000 (or such other sum as may be deemed advisable from time to time) together with any other insurance as may be appropriate.
Current and former Committee members of the club shall be indemnified out of the club’s assets against:
• any liability incurred by a Committee member in connection with any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust in relation to the club
• any liability incurred by a Committee member in connection with the activities of the club
Changes to the constitution
The Constitution of the club may only be amended by a General Meeting called in accordance with these rules. Any amendment to the constitution shall require the assent of two thirds of those present. The Secretary must receive notice of any amendment in writing not less than 14 days before the date of the General Meeting.
A copy of this Constitution shall be available at all times to members on request to the Secretary.
The club may at any time be dissolved by consent of three fourths of the members, testified by their signatures to an instrument of dissolution. In the unlikely event of the club ceasing any remaining funds shall be donated to a charity with aims similar to the club chosen by the club members.